
Focus on literacy, workforce readiness, and middle schools

Get more kids reading on grade level - Children who can read and do math on grade level by the end of 3rd grade are more likely to graduate from high school and need less remedial support as they progress through later grades. Currently, only about 40% of DISD 3rd graders are reading and doing math on grade level. As your trustee, I will support DISD’s investments in full-day prekindergarten so that children are entering school ready to learn. I’ll also advocate for more elementary schools to be led by principals who have deep experience in early childhood education.

Continue to invest in college, career, and military readiness - I support DISD’s efforts to ensure that students graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in college or to immediately enter the workforce and earn a living wage. DISD provides incredible opportunities for students to earn an associate’s degree while in high school and to obtain industry-based certifications at the new Career Institutes.

Improve our middle schools - It is time to have a community-wide discussion about DISD middle schools. On average, DISD middle schools are the weakest link in our system – they have experienced steeper enrollment declines and lower overall academic performance than elementary or high schools. We need our educational leaders, parents, students, and community members to provide input on how to strengthen our middle schools.  

Retain teachers, involve parents, and engage neighbors

Retain our high-performing teachers and principals - With a high-performing teacher in front of each child, committed parents, and neighbors who support our schools, DISD will truly become the premier urban school district in the nation. As your trustee, I’ll champion DISD’s ambitious strategy to identify and retain its best teachers and principals through its performance-based compensation system. I’ll also advocate for DISD to explore public-private partnerships that create affordable childcare and housing opportunities for our educators.

Involve parents early and often - Parents are their child’s first teacher and serve an integral role in their child’s academic outcomes. As your trustee, I’ll help the school district share information about the many ways that parents can become involved in their child’s school. But I’ll also advocate that the superintendent provide more formal opportunities for parents to weigh-in when policy changes are being considered, not just when policies have been decided.

Engage the community - The best way to encourage neighbors to support our public schools is for DISD schools to roll out the welcome mat to the surrounding community. However, DISD’s current school facility policy doesn’t prioritize open access to school playgrounds and running tracks during non-school hours. As your trustee, I’ll work with fellow trustees to reexamine this policy and advocate for increased community access.

Balance innovation
and fiscal responsibility

A decade ago, in response to increasing competition from charter schools, DISD developed an ambitious plan to become a “district of choice” that provided families the opportunity to find their “best-fit” school. Currently, families can select from over 100 choice schools and programs, including single-gender schools, Montessori schools, and STEM-focused schools.

However, despite these efforts, DISD has lost more than 15,000 students over the past 10 years. And, due to decreasing enrollment and increasing costs, DISD’s expenses currently outpace its revenues. In fact, last year the school board adopted a $186 million deficit budget.

Focus on the programs that supercharge student progress and that are prioritized by parents - It is time for DISD to reexamine its school choice offerings. As your trustee, I’ll work with the superintendent and fellow trustees to ensure that DISD’s resources are focused on the programs that provide the best return on investment based on student progress and overall school enrollment.

Embrace neighborhood schools – As your trustee, I’ll support efforts to “get back to the basics” by embracing neighborhood schools as an integral part of the school choice model. Our neighborhood schools should serve as anchor institutions in our neighborhoods that draw new families into DISD and foster strong community connections with neighborhood associations and local businesses. 

My Commitment To You

I commit to being a trustee who communicates early and often through regular newsletters, social media updates and quarterly town hall meetings where I’ll invite school leaders and elected officials from other taxing entities to attend. I commit to listening to your ideas and responding to your concerns. I’ll be prepared for board meetings, work collegially with my fellow trustees, and ask the tough questions. I hope you’ll join me in working to make DISD the premier urban school district in the nation that truly prepares our children for the world of tomorrow.

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